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3 Big Tax Law Changes in Tax Season 2022

It’s a new year, which means a new tax season and with that – typically – comes new tax code. As the country continues to recover from the pandemic and…

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How to Maximize your Taxes

With the turn of the calendar year, tax season is right around the corner. Whether or not your tax situation has changed, each year we are reminded of how deductions…

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Self Employed? Claim Earnings and Get Rewards Now

If you are self-employed you may be considering “shaving some off the top,” otherwise known as not fully reporting your income. Although you may think this practice is good for…

Truck Drivers Can Get 100% Per Diem

Driving Truck and Getting Your 100% Per Diem & Other Tax Deductions

Truck Driver Benefits If you are a truck driver, especially if you are an owner-operator, you need to be sure to claim all your expenses come tax time. These deductions…

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Why You Should Open An HSA

A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a relatively new savings vehicle and for that reason alone too many people do not have them. Introduced in 2008 as a way to…

Obamacare penalties

What You Need To Know About The Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, is a law that aims to reform America’s healthcare. The law primarily deals with: Improving the affordability and quality of health insurance Changing how…

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For Richer, For Poorer – The Pros & Cons of Joint Filing

Married joint filing helps you combine your income with your spouse, and share your deductions. It seems like the smartest way to file when you’re married, but considering that you…

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Tax Tips: How to Get The Biggest Refund

If you’re looking for the best ways to boost your tax refunds, you’ve come to the right place! There are several little tips and tricks that you can use to…